Step 1. Log in to the Portal
Step 2. Search ''School Tuition Plan List'' in the Search Bar
Step 3. Click ''New''
Step 4. Set up the ''Plan Name'', ''School Year'' and the ''Description''. You may also Setup the Tuition Type if the user wishes.
Note: You need to setup the ''Items'' for your Tuition Plan first via ''Item List''
Sample Data shown below for the Fees.
In the ''Options'' table you may adjust the payment, you may set this to ''Monthly'', ''1 Month'', ''3 Month'' or ''Annual''
In the ''Discount'' table, you may add discounts (depends on the school if how much they will discount'')
After setting up the Fees you may proceed on making the schedule payments
*Set the ''First Payment Date'' (Make sure this is future/today's date not past date)
after setting the First Payment date, click ''Make Schedule'' just right below to Make the specific dates, detail and the amount.
Note: Click save after setting up all the details